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Vol. 30 (2013)

Warunkowe zwolnienie z reszty kary pozbawienia wolności z perspektywy problemów z ustalaniem treści i kierunku prognozy kryminologicznej

  • Tomasz Kalisz
7 March 2014


Conditional release from serving the rest of the sentence of imprisonment in view of the problems with setting the content and direction of the criminological forecast

The aim of the study is to elaborate on conditional release parole in view of the evolution and development of contemporary criminal executive law. One of the objectives of the study is to contemplate on the meaning of the notion of criminological forecasting as well as the rules and the way to set its direction. The study also investigates the problem of realization of political-criminal assumptions which can be formulated for the institution of parole and the influence of these assumptions on the regulations determining the content of parole.