Prawo karne procesowe

Tom 31 (2014)

Zasądzenie odszkodowania z  urzędu w  procesie karnym

Strony: 73 - 88



Ex-officio remedy in acriminal trial

The article contains an assessment of ex-officio remedy in the Polish criminal trial. The author, after discussing the nature and presumptions concerning ex-officio remedy, shows doubts of interpretation arose in the background. She also makes an attempt to answer the question whether ex-officio remedy should be removed from the Code of Criminal Procedure, or remain in its present form.

Zasady cytowania

Muszyńska, A. (2014). Zasądzenie odszkodowania z  urzędu w  procesie karnym. Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego, 31, 73–88. Pobrano z