Ciało między naturą a kulturą
Nature as a source of culture as seen by Elizabeth Grosz
The article presents the approach to the culture-nature “opposition” in Elizabeth Grosz’s philosophy. Drawing on Darwin’s concept, Grosz tries not so much to “go around” the opposition but to problematise the concept of nature itself, which in philosophy has all too often been subordinated to culture and which has to be “crossed” to achieve the full dimension of humanity. Referring to evolutionism while clearly distancing herself from sociobiology, she depicts nature as an environment where culture can exist, as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for culture. Consequently, Grosz perceives the human being in the perspective of evolutionary changes which foretell our future as isolated from the traditionally defined humanity, but drawing abundantly on our animal nature. Nature thus seen poses endless questions, whereas culture for example patriarchal culture is just one of possible answers. Grosz’s philosophy aims to open the way to new forms of approaching the opposition between culture and nature, human and animal, man and woman.