
Vol. 49 (2009)

Miejsce Słowackiego w teorii dramatu drugiej połowy XIX wieku

Marek Dybizbański

Pages: 187 - 207

PDF (Język Polski)


Słowacki’s place in the theory of drama in the second half of the 19th century

The theory of drama in the second half of the 19th century that aimed at not always consciously granting a privileged status to the classical model. It took over various non-classical models – appropriately “tailored” – which, however, did not include Słowacki’s dramaturgy. For a long time his works were considered to be non-stageable or at least non-dramatic. Arguments against such a thesis – provided by successive theatrical premieres – forced many to revise their opinion, at least with regard to Mary Stuart and Mazeppa. However, the same arguments proved insufficient in the case of Balladyna, which ostentatiously contradicted the promoted playwriting technique but in critical analyses achieved a unique position, as if fulfilling too many requirements at the same time and provoking discussions about formulas of tragedy, about the category of nationality in drama or about the importance, stageability and function of fantasy.