The article aims to reflect on the concept of realism in art, based on the theoretical texts of Bertold Brecht, who repeatedly pointed out that a realistic work, that is, striving to provide the most accurate image of the world, is not the result of a single method, the formal introduction of which will ensure realism. The question of a particular technique should therefore be accompanied by the question of the reason for its use. Using, in addition, other Marxist texts on realism (Roger Garaudy, Todd Cronan), I try to show that Brecht’s broad and formally undetermi- ned notion of realism makes it possible to ask about realism also in the works of writers using avant-garde strategies and techniques that seemingly produce a reality that is completely unreal. I also assume that pointing out how authors – in this case Andrzej Szpindler – use distortions of reality to express some essential truth about it and understand its deeper, less overt structures, can contribute to broadening the contemporary understanding of realism. The essential part of the article, therefore, is an interpretation of two of Szpindler’s novels Oko chce tego bardziej niż chce tego wątroba, and Źrebię puchacza i tabloidu. The stakes of the text are, firstly, to demonstrate that the author is interested in creating accurate representations of reality and to show, using the example of his work, how many formal means can be useful for this; and secondly, to prove the productivity of Brecht’s take on realism for analyzing and evaluating the works of contemporary artists as well.
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