Publication Ethics

The publication ethics of the "Theoretical Practice" journal is in line with best practices in academic world as elaborated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


We make every effort to ensure the highest possible quality and integrity of contributions , as well as implement and maintain high communication standards with authors, reviewers and readers.

Authors are expected to confirm the originality of the submitted piece. If they use they own previously published works, or works by other authors, they have to refer to them accordingly. Plagiarism in all possible forms in unethical and unacceptable. All revealed cases of malpractice in research will be publicly announced by editorial statements, and the academic unit hiring an author who breached this rule will be informed about this behavior.

Both ghostwriting (concealing the role of an actual co-author) or guest authorship (naming as a co-author a person that did not contributed to the article) is considered as malpractice, and each revealed case will result in rejecting the submitted paper.

Data falsification and data fabrication, understood as consciously omitting all references or data that undermine author's statements, or simply as constructing events, processes, cases, and so on, that did not take place in reality, will result in rejecting the submitted paper or in retracting a published one.

All authors are obliged to disclose potential conflict of interests when submitting the paper (if applicable).

Wydział Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
e-ISSN: 2081-8130


„Praktyka Teoretyczna”
Wydział Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
ul. Koszarowa 3
51-149 Wrocław


  • DOAJ
  • ERIH PLUS 2015
  • PKP Index
  • Google Scholar
  • WorldCat
  • Scopus