Review Process

Number of external reviews: 2

Number of initial intra-editorial reviews: 1-2

Type of external review: two anonymous, independent reviewers from outside the editorial board(double-blind peer review process). In the case of manuscripts in English, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign institution outside the author's country of origin.

"Theoretical Practice" adheres to the academic quality standards . However, the journal has the ambition to go beyond the walls of academia, too. We constantly search for cooperation with social activists and all those familiar with critical reflection on the sociopolitical and cultural reality. We publish theoretical and analytical texts, empirical analyses, critical interventions, and review essays discussing the most recent publications related to our scope.

To meet contemporary trends in knowledge production, "Theoretical Practice" also encourages to go beyond the standard mechanisms of working on academic texts. We invite authors not only to submit finished papers, but also abstracts, general ideas, and prospective research projects, which may initiate collective work and a fruitful exchange of ideas among the editorial board and contributors.


Publication procedure:

Submitted articles cannot be previously published or simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers are first subjected to editorial reviews (one or two), and comments are forwarded to the author in the form of notes applied to the file and a brief commentary. If necessary, the author(s) prepare a revised version of the text. Subsequently, the quality of the submitted paper is evaluated by two independent, anonymous reviewers competent in the given field of knowledge. When reviewing articles and qualifying them for publication in the journal, such criteria as knowledge of the literature on the subject, the scholarly significance of the article, methodology, clarity of the main argument, coherence of argumentation, and justification of conclusions are taken into account. The author is notified of acceptance for publication, along with a review report justifying the decision and including possible suggestions for corrections and modifications. After the author prepares the final version of the article, it is forwarded for proofreading and, subsequently, for publication in the corresponding issue of "Theoretical Practice".

Please send texts to:

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the editorial guidelines of “Theoretical Practice”.

Wydział Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
e-ISSN: 2081-8130


„Praktyka Teoretyczna”
Wydział Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
ul. Koszarowa 3
51-149 Wrocław


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