Articles [257]

Vol. 40 (2019)

Figura świętego głupca w twórczości Andrieja Tarkowskiego

Bartosz Wieczorek

Pages: 175 - 186

PDF (Język Polski)


The figure of the “holy fool” in the work of Andrei Tarkovsky

The article analyzes the figure of the “holy fool” — a specific cultural phenomenon of Russian Orthodoxy, which found its strong reflection in the work of Andrei Tarkovsky. After showing the essence of the work of the Russian director, i.e. the internal conflict in man between the material and spiritual sphere, the Christian pedigree of the figure of the “holy fool”, which finds a special expression in Russian culture, is presented. Over time, it undergoes significant transformations. In Tarkovsky’s films, the figure of the “holy fool” allows the director to manifest his opinions and his view of the world, the role of art or the vocation of the artist. Tarkovsky’s “holy fool” evolves from a purely Christian figure, a humble and trusting figure fighting with all evil, through the original loner seeking consolation for others, to a figure, which destroys the existing order while awaiting the reaction of God connected with the restoration of the harmony to the world.