
Tom 17 Nr 4 (2022)

Donacja jako zagadnienie fenomenologii radykalnej w ujęciu Jeana-Luca Mariona

Strony: 45-57



This paper undertakes the question concerning methodological consequences of understanding phenomenology from the viewpoint of the category of the gift. In regard to the philosophical enterprise of Jean-Luc Marion, manifestation is understood as an act of givenness, which has a radically non-objective character. Next, this paper points out the classical source of the concept of givenness. It also mentions that givenness is a result of material interpretation of the Husserlian term “Gegebenheit.” Then, givenness is presented as a figure that requires a phenomenological method to bracket mere terms that phenomenology employs. This mechanism helps to describe reduction as a radical method of bracketing metaphysics.