
Vol. 6 No. 4 (2011)

Problem religijnego charakteru teorii inteligentnego projektu

Dariusz Sagan
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The Problem of Religious Nature of Intelligent Design Theory

Intelligent design theory claims that certain biological and cosmic phenomena point to the activity of some unspecifi ed intelligent being behind them and that it is a fully scientific conclusion. Critics often respond that, in fact, intelligent design is a religious idea because the real agenda of proponents of the theory is to reintroduce supernatural, Christian beliefs into science, public education, and other domains of western culture. In other words, it is said that the source of inspiration for the theory reveals its religious, and therefore unscientific, nature. The purpose of this article is to evaluate validity of this objection, both with regard to the actual views of intelligent design proponents, as well as from the perspective of philosophy and history of science. It is argued that to express this objection is to commit the so-called genetic fallacy — evaluating the merits of an idea solely on the basis of its origin — and it can be easily applied to the proponents of naturalistic theories as well. Moreover, it is clear that intelligent design can be and is formulated without reference to any kind of religious doctrine. Hence, it is concluded that from methodological point of view the objection concerning the putative religious motivations of design theorists is an illegitimate rhetorical strategy in order to exclude intelligent design from serious scientific consideration and that the proper critical reaction to the theory requires a different basis for counter-argumentation.