
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2013)

Czy jesteśmy obywatelami jednego świata? Uniwersalizacja i partykulacja światowej gospodarki w perspektywie przemian globalizacyjnych

Iwona Jakubowska

Pages: 89 - 96


Are we the citizens of one world? Integration and specification of world economy in view of the globalization

The aim of the article is to present the ambivalence of the process of globalization with regard to its potential for decreasing economic inequalities between different regions of the world. The study discusses the phenomenon of convergence, which at the same time enables transnational economic cooperation and results in the accumulation of income in few centres, thus deepening discrepancies in the global distribution of wealth. The question of the threat to cultural variety posed by globalization is also raised in the paper along with the problem of both bene-ficial and negative influence of foreign capital on local markets. The article, rather than assess the nature of the discussed processes, intends to expose some particularly urgent diffc ultieswhichtheyinvolve.