
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2014)

Jaźń „uboga” a jaźń „bogata”. O dwóch formach indywidualizmu

Zbigniew Ambrożewicz

Pages: 41 - 66


“Poor” self against “rich” self. Two forms of individualism

In the paper I argue, following Michael Sandel’s, Georg Simmel’s and Friedrich Hayek’s analyses and distinctions, that there are two forms of selves in individualism: “poor” self which is a constitutive part of individualism of equality Locke, Kant, Rawls and “rich” self, a constitutive part of individualism of diversity Leibniz, Nietzsche, romanticists. They both are “full-blooded” individualisms in spite of Hayek’s objections but they represent different ideas of the human and his/her relationships with society.