
Tom 9 Nr 4 (2014)

O praktycznej konsekwencji teoretycznej niekonsekwencji projektu filozofii krytycznej Kanta

Jakub Nalichowski

Strony: 125 - 141


On practical consequences of the theoretical inconsequences of the Kantian project of critical philosophy

The paper discusses Immanuel Kant’s project of critical philosophy. As the heir of the Enlightenment, Kant believed that in order to achieve fulfillment happiness, humankind should overcome its self-imposed immaturity by basing itself on critical reason. For his part, he added that this task can be successfully realized if the reason will be self-critical in the first place. In the article I show that, because of some inconsistency, Kant fails to conceptualize self-critical reason in such a way that thanks to it humanity can attain fulfillment. I show that it is just the opposite, namely that Kant comprehends self-critical reason in such a way that in his comprehension he undermines practical conditions of human happiness.