Climate change is a fact. Negative processes are progressing, and experts point to solutions that can reduce the future effects of years of neglect. The problem is global, but not all political actors approach climate policy similarly. After the Donald Trump administration’s spectacular and unilateral withdrawal from the 2015 Paris Agreement, the importance of the long-standing international compromise has diminished. This paper offers an analysis of media reports from 2017–2019 on climate change and climate policy. The study encompasses content from seven global television stations shared from their websites on social media. The author focuses on Facebook as the largest distribution channel for traditional media material in the analysis. The results show that the issue of climate change was one of the most frequently communicated information, but it was not the main topic. Pieces of news content published on the websites of the BBC and CNN were shared most widely. Global warming, the consequences of Donald Trump’s actions, melting glaciers in the Arctic, and greenhouse gas emissions were some of the major issues covered.
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