
Tom 33 (2023)

Język jako narzędzie negocjacji tożsamości w Nakivale. Hybrydowa przestrzeń uchodźców

Strony: 75-84



I present an analysis of the significance of language in the processes of identity negotiation and community building in Nakivale, one of the largest and oldest refugee camps in the world. Utilizing Homi Bhabha’s theory of hybridization, I demonstrate how language shapes interactions among refugees from diverse cultures. In Nakivale, where more than seven nationalities reside, language plays a crucial role in daily identity negotiations. The hybrid identity, formed in the “third space”, results from complex linguistic and cultural processes. I emphasize that language can both support integration and lead to exclusion if systematic support is lacking. I propose interventions aimed at promoting multilingualism and cultural sensitivity, which can improve the living conditions of refugees in Nakivale.


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