Politics in five acts: Metatypology of phenomena
The notions of “politics” and “political character” are more intuitive than scientific. They make difficult any distinguishing what is general, universal or political. They have a lot of logical mistakes in the definitions of political phenomena and also of typological shortages of such behaviors, like the political ones. The researchers try to classify a variety of concepts of politics. These categorizations capture the politics as it is commonly seen. For these reasons, they are insufficient. We need a comprehensive typology, capable of introducing the discipline, more precision as to the classification criteria, without demonstrating what the politics is. Taking into account my previous remarks, I propose the following approaches to this phenomenon: 1. common; 2. material and ideological-doctrinaire; 3. theoretical; 4. methodological; 5. sectional. Only within such general types, one might classify the politics according to its constituent characteristics and its different understandings.