
Tom 9 (2008)

Proces planowania strategicznego w kampaniach wyborczych

Tomasz Alberski

Strony: 5 - 18



Process of strategic planning in election campaigns

Modern planning in election campaigns is constructed on general rules of marketing and managing theories which are commonly adopted to political competitive situation. On the other hand, in the literature we may come across a few comparison analysis of election campaigns which are the sources of global analytical models and further conclusions are made of it concerning a general pattern of election campaigns. The article is spotlighting the proper selection of basic rules and patterns which became dominant in modern scientific literature in context of efficient planning election campaigns. The author of the article says that the knowledge of planning is not enough to be successful in winning election campaigns of particle candidate or political party. The environment in which the political candidates have to coexist is very demanding, competitive and dynamic. Complex process of strategic planning is helpful in making right decisions and taking the advantage of already known sources.