
Tom 9 (2008)

Być albo nie być społecznie odpowiedzialnym: dylemat współczesnych korporacji

Krystyna Anna Paszkiewicz

Strony: 209 - 224



To be or not to be socially responsible: that is the question of contemporary corporations

This article discusses the social aspect of operations of large corporations in the context of globalisation processes and their consequences. Growing interest in the activities of large corporations – brought about by, without limitations, protests of alter-globalisation activists – forces them to implement the so-called corporate social responsibility policy in their management strategies. One has recognized its efficiency in the world of competitive economy and civil society. This policy makes managers of corporations more sensitive to social problems affecting their closer and further environment. The present-day popularity of PR results from the necessity to ensure the reputation and image of corporations as socially responsible. A PR officer monitors the relations of a corporation with its environment and reacts to all problems which may have an adverse impact on its operation.