
Tom 13 (2012)

Polityczność w optyce postmarksizmu — demokracja agonistyczna

Arkadiusz Lewandowski

Strony: 135 - 147



Politicality in a post-marksist perspective — agonistic democracy

The article focuses on the theory of democracy presented in the 1980s by Chantall Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau. The author of this article submits and analyses the theory of radical democracy and agonistic democracy. Moreover, ideas of Mouffe and Lauclau are also being confronted with Carl Schmitt’s theory. The most significant issue in the discussed theory is a visible “friend–enemy” distinction and the conflict perceived as a determinant of politics. Chantal Mouffe’s concept of agonistic democracy is an attempt to renew politics in a democratic system. The mentioned renewal, regarded especially as widening the public debate, is needed in order to include opinions which so far have been excluded. What is more, the three main constituents of agonistic democracy, namely pluralism, conflict and the acceptance of democratic rules, are being emphasized.