
Tom 14 (2013)

Rozwój stosunków Mołdawii z Unią Europejską

Renata Kunert-Milcarz

Strony: 43 - 60



Development of relations between European Union and Moldova

The aim of the paper is to describe, analyse and assess the strategies and actions of European Union, belonging to the eastern dimension policy, in the context of strengthening integration processes in the post-Soviet space on the example of Republic of Moldova RM. An important question is whether the EU attempts to regulate relations with Moldova only for the purpose of deepening mutual relations on the basis of inclusion without membership or with a possibility of future enlargement? The authoress has undertook the analysis of the EU’s political projects aimed at boosting relations between the two entities, as well as the possibility of success of these processes. The analyzed part of the EU’s eastern dimension policy towards the RM, which lays the foundations for relationships, includes the EU’s policy towards the Republic of Moldova in the frames of the European Neighbourhood Policy ENP, the Eastern Partnership EaP and relations with the Russian Federation RF.