
Tom 14 (2013)

Wpływ polityki regionalnej Unii Europejskiej na wykształcanie się kapitału społecznego w regionach transgranicznych — na przykładzie pogranicza polsko-niemieckiego

Radosław Jakubowski

Strony: 128 - 145



Influence of the EU Regional Policy on development of social capital in cross-border regions illustrated by Polish-German borderland

Conception of social capital is becoming more and more popular instrument which enables transdisciplinary approach to integrative phenomenons on socio-economical nature. The article is referring to EU’s regional policy impact on development of social capital in cross-border regions of European Community. Specific socioeconomical and sociopolitical features of cross-border regions, in which the european projects are carrying out, allow to treat them like a some sort of european integration laboratory. Differences between the institutional-political, socioeconomical and cultural systems in the territories of cross-border regions constitutes in a way the reflection of whole UE and its membership countries situation. The article makes the attempt to response for a question - which elements of regional policy support the social-integrative influence of particular social capital components – that is trust, norms of reciprocity and networks of contacts. The analyse is led by example of regional programs infl uence over the areas of the Polish-German borderland: Ostbrandenburg – Lubuskie Voivodeship.