
Tom 16 (2014)

Podmiot w poszukiwaniu harmonii z sobą i światem — stosunki społeczne w czasach chaosu

Natalia Palemba

Strony: 94 - 108



Subject in search of the harmony with himself and the world — social relations in times of chaos

The diagnosis of the present times is not optimistic — the world is ruled by chaos. Chaos not only reveals itself in global economy and world politics, but its effects are also felt in everyday life. People have to cope with the adoption of new global solutions in the era of mass communication technologies, with making their decisions and choices and entering into new social relations. This article is based on the assumption that there is no one way to cope with chaos and there is no one way leading to social harmony — subjects have a great potential of knowledge, technology, information, experience etc. and must therefore be aware of this potential and of the fact that it can be used in many ways. Thus, without the change in the consciousness of human beings and without their opening to the diversity of the world no harmonious development can exist in the practice of social life. The article is an attempt at answering and sheding some light on the following questions: How can subjects achieve the aforementioned state of awareness in their acting in public, social sphere? What are the possible steps leading to achieving this state of harmony in the existing social context? What changes occur in social relations, communication and thinking in times of chaos?