Media a polityka

Tom 26 (2019)

Polski rok 1989 w perspektywie czechosłowackich dzienników opiniotwórczych

Strony: 100 - 110



The Polish year 1989 through the perspective of Czechoslovak opinion-forming daily press

The main goal of this article is to show the image of the most important Polish political actions in 1989 through the prism of Czechoslovak opinion-forming daily press: Rudé právo and Mladá fronta. The author is focused on the analysis of materials generally connected with the deliberations of the Round Table, as well as the Polish legislative election on 4 June. It is desirable to disclose the way of presenting of the most important actions in Poland by the Czechoslovak press in that period, which we have mentioned above. The author also tries to de­termine how acute was the attention of the press to the Polish events that had taken place during those times. The newspapers, that are analysed, were controlled by Czechoslovak Rule and they were medium of its current views. According to this fact we could emphasize one of the elements in the sphere of the official relations be­tween Poland and Czechoslovakia in relation in the year 1989. We could also reconstruct the Polish situational image which was presented to Czechoslovak citizens by the Czechoslovak authorities.