Teoria polityki
About political and related activities. Commentary on the typology of Andrzej Czajowski
The political sphere of social life creates not strictly political actions undertaken by policy-holders specialized in the struggle for power and the art of governance, constituting or changing the political order, regime, but also quasi-political actions undertaken by big social groups, communities and social movements, even by individuals interested in certain decisions, exerting pressure on the governing and other political forces also for non political purposes and peri-political actions undertaken in politically-inspired or controlled and programmed offices, public institutions in the course of management, judgment,enforcement of the legal order. Quasi-political actions include: politically-motivated actions, politically-important actions also relevant irrespective of the subject’s motives and intentions and politicized actions — politicized by how they are perceived and exploited by the Perpetrator’s surrounding entities. So is the typology of Andrzej Czajowski, which is worth complementing the meta-political actions — related to the establishment and enforcement of rules and standards of the political game, governance, forms of social and legal control and self- or mutual limitation of political forces?