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Vol. 18 (2014)

Актёр Влодзимеж Выгaновский и «Кружок польской молодёжи» в Бресте

  • Aleksandr Iljin
30 June 2015


The actor Włodzimierz Wyganowski and the Polish Youth Club in Brest

The author of the article explores the history of the Polish national movement in Brest- Litovsk during the German occupation of the city 1915–1919 by examining a fragment of the biography of Włodzimierz Wyganowski 1900–1973, member of a clandestine youth organisation, Polish Youth Club, active in Brest-Litovsk. The organisation was founded and led by a patriotic priest, Fr. Fabian Szczerbicki, a distinguished member of the scouting movement in the Second Polish Republic.

Translated by Anna Kijak