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Vol. 19 (2015)

O listach i pamiętnikach polskich autorów z Ziem Zabranych z lat 1795– 1918 w zbiorach Centralnego Państwowego Historycznego Archiwum Ukrainy w Kijowie

  • Maria Domańska-Nogajczyk
  • Tomasz Wójcik
19 September 2016



On letters and memoirs of Polish authors from the Stolen Lands from 1795–1918 kept in the Central State Historical Archives of Ukrainein Kiev

The authors of the article describe the Polish language sources referred to as “personal records” kept in the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kiev. The analysed part of the collection encompasses documents from the pre-partition period. The authors present the most important genres, such as accounts and correspondence, as well as the main areas of interests of those who produced the documents. In order to provide insights into the profiles of the analysed manuscripts, the authors use fragments of selected memoirs and letters.
Translated by Anna Kijak