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Tom 7 (2016): Media. Władza. Komunikacja

Homofobia w paragrafach. Rzecz o relacjach prawodawstwa, dyskursu i postaw społecznych w Rosji

  • Wojciech Sitarz
30 czerwca 2017


Homophobia in codes of law. On the relations between legislation, discourse and social attitudes in Russia

The main purpose of this paper is to present the Russian legislation in terms of its relations to homosex­uals in the last twenty years.
The great emphasis was placed on the last eight years, when in eleven political units of Russian Fed­eration the promotion of homosexuality to minors was banned. The author endeavours to understand how homophobic regulations influenced, reported in recent years, decrease in acceptance of sexual min­orities.
The next essential part of this article is discussion on consequences of an act passed in June 2013 about protection of minors against propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations, increase of violence against homosexuals, discrimination of teachers, putting back on the agenda rights of Russian LGBT community and accusations against sexual minorities of detriment to the image of Russia.