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Vol. 17 (2022): Prowokacja, rozpad, trauma i… przyszłość – z punktu widzenia badaczy komunikacji społecznej

Dialogicality in scientific discourse: Analysis of the forms of introducing quoted speech

15 March 2022


The subject of the article is the narrative of scientific discourse, which together with the didactic and scientific discourse constitutes the style of academic communication. The starting point for the analysis was one of the distinctions of the scientific style, namely, dialogicality manifested through the presence of numerous quotations and footnotes. The research material was a multi-author monograph Badanie komunikacji / Projektowanie komunikacji vol. 3 (Study of Communication / Design of Communication, Vol. 3), edited by Michał Grech, Karolina Lachowska, Kamil Olendra and Annette Siemes. It was published in 2020 as part of the “Communication Design” publishing series as a result of the interdisciplinary scientific conference “Communication Design: Research and Design of Communication 9.” The monograph consists of an introduction and 15 articles referring to four selected areas: (sub)cultures, images and constructs, discourse and communication, and design practice. The aim of the study was to identify how the authors of academic texts — students, doctoral students, academics, both in research and development — use quoted speech as part of their discourse, i.e. in scientific publications.