
Tom 2 (2011)

Postawy protestantów wobec świeckich gier komputerowych. Inne spojrzenie na obecność treści religijnych w kulturze popularnej

Anna Bednarska-Stec

Strony: 133 - 148



Attitudes of Protestants towards secular computer games. A different view on the presence of religious content in popular culture


The text describes the attitudes of American Protestants towards secular electronic games. These attitudes are characterized by two concepts: neutralization and sacralization. The first one consists in perceiving using cyber entertainment as an activity separate from religion, which leads to positive valuation of the game and its use, and defining it as a source of pleasure, regardless of any negative content such as violence. Sacralization is investing a game with religious significance. Its positive version allows for the implementation of religious attitudes in the framework of gaming, the negative one leads to rejection of secular cyber entertainment.