
Vol. 32 (2024)

Audiovisual translation as a tool for acquiring intercultural mediation by Polish students of Spanish

Verónica Del Valle Cacela

Pages: 77-89

PDF (Español (España))


Intercultural mediation is an essential element in foreign language acquisition. However, it has been investigated mainly from the point of view of the standard language and, to a lesser extent, from the point of view of specialized languages. In this article, we present a project in the field of tourist language with Polish students of Spanish Philology to introduce intercultural mediation following the recommendations set out in the Companion Volume (2020) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR CV). For this reason, the students carried out a project to promote tourism in their Polish cities of origin and make them known to Spanish speakers. To go forward with this activity, which they did in groups, they had to organize themselves to obtain the graphic material, select the elements they wanted to talk about, write the text in Polish to express it and translate it into Spanish to make the subtitles of their video. With this activity, we wanted the students to mediate in texts, concepts and communication. To evaluate all these aspects, together with the video, the groups had to hand in a report indicating the translation problems they had detected, the possible solutions, and the option they had chosen and justifying it. The results were encouraging. Through the videos and the reports, we verified that the students analyzed the translation problems they encountered in detail and documented themselves to find a solution that would make the concept they needed to translate into comprehensible Spanish. Also, by adapting the text to a format such as subtitling, they were forced to make their decisions more precise to fit them into the established conventions. Therefore, with this project, we proved that students acquired the intercultural mediation described in the CEFR CV.


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