The article addresses the terminological work of the translators involved in adjusting and developing Polish-language terminology used in the documents created in an international education project related to translation competence. Thus, while translating the texts, the translators had to fulfil other roles, of which that of a terminologist rose to a certain prominence, since transferring the sense of the source texts required delving into other resources and consulting experts about target text terminology. This was necessary for the translators’ overriding goal, which was to provide the Polish readership with target texts that would be accessible, understandable and terminologically coherent. The first section of the article is devoted to presenting the assumptions, objectives and people behind the Erasmus+ project EFFORT. In the second part, attention is directed to selected terminological problems. However, apart from indicating the problematic terminological issues, the authors also discuss and exemplify how they deal with them. Overall, the article attempts to show that the translator is often entangled in the terminological work, trying to come up with the best possible equivalent of a term whose meaning must be clear, unambiguous and comprehensible.
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