
Vol. 32 (2024)

How to mediate visual content? A proposal based on works of art and the CEFR

Pages: 53-64

PDF (Español (España))


Works of art appear in various language learning materials for students, such as manuals, books, videos, photographs, etc. Interpreting these works poses a challenge not only for learners, who are sometimes unfamiliar with art, but also for teachers themselves. However, the world around us is filled with images that we need to interpret. The mediation between the visual and the verbal is based on creating spaces for communication, learning, and collaboration to ascribe new meanings. Since the publication of the Companion Volume of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2020), mediation has found its place in the didactic landscape. From then on, the assessment of the learner’s language proficiency is conducted through descriptors of various mediation activities. The present paper presents an adaptation of the mediation descriptor for the interpretation of works of art. These works are considered a source of multifaceted content of various types, and therefore, mediation seems essential to access their meaning.


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