
Vol. 24 No. 3 (2018)

Proekologiczne i prooszczędnościowe zachowania gospodarstw domowych jako konsumentów energii

Pages: 23 - 39

PDF (Język Polski)



The pro-ecological and pro-saving behavior of households as energy consumers

The aim of the article is to indicate the changes related to households’ behavior linked to energy saving and pro-ecological activities. Therefore, the authors conducted acomparison analysis of the results of the nationwide Polish research about Polish ecological awareness and identified — as part of the Polish National Science Centre NCN project called “Modelling prosumers’ behavior on theenergy market” — pro-economical attitudes of households. The first part of this paper pre­sents the opinions of Poles about the possibilities of development of the different kinds of energy sources in Poland, taking into special consideration the development of renewable energy sources. In the second part of this paper the authors describe households’ behavior connected with saving energy. They analyzed pro-economical behavior such as: switching off lights in empty rooms, un­plugging phone chargers after use, using economical bulbs and unplugging devices that are not in use. The diversifying variables of behavior are: sex, age, income. The analysis of households’ behav­ior was supplemented with the analysis of pro-economical attitudes of Wroclaw university students.