
Tom 136 (2012)

Eleonora Hummels Roman „Die Fische von Berlin“ im Blickpunkt narratologischer Erinnerungsinszenierung

Strony: 9 - 23



The novel by Eleonora Hummel Die Fische von Berlin from the perspective by the narrative presentation of memory

In the German linguistic literary studies there is an observable tendency to analyse texts from the perspective of the “rhetoric of memory”; to the fore comes an attempt to situate them in the discourse of the memory. During the analyses two fundamental questions are posed: about the structures of the memory texts on the one hand, and about the structures of the narratively presented recollections on the other. The narrative conception in the novel by Eleonora Hummel Die Fische von Berlin consists of heterogeneous single recollections which inosculate with each other and constitute a homogeneous collective memory. In Hummel’s history about “Russian Germans” “Russlanddeutsche” two memory trails are accentuated, pertinent to two different generations. For this reason her novel can be classified as the subgenre of the “memory novel.”

Zasady cytowania

Brylla, W. (2012). Eleonora Hummels Roman „Die Fische von Berlin“ im Blickpunkt narratologischer Erinnerungsinszenierung. Germanica Wratislaviensia, 136, 9–23. Pobrano z