
Vol. 146 (2021)

Compound adjectives in German-Polish contrastive studies based on PWN dictionaries

Pages: 89-104

PDF (Język Polski)


In this paper, compound adjectives in German and Polish are compared. In both languages they have already been examined. However, the grammars differ in the description method. The aim of this paper is to examine the differences and similarities in the forming of compound adjectives in both languages. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of possible compounds is carried out on the basis of German-Polish dictionaries. It can be concluded that in German there are more ways to form compound adjectives. Nevertheless, some word formation models can be identified in Polish, which can be used to form neologisms and hapax legomena. Furthermore, there are constructions in both languages that are equivalent or similar.

Citation rules

Kurzaj, A. (2021). Compound adjectives in German-Polish contrastive studies based on PWN dictionaries . Germanica Wratislaviensia, 146, 89–104.