Editorial Committee


prof. dr hab. Tomasz Małyszek (University of Wroclaw, Poland) – Editor in Chief

dr hab. Anna Małgorzewicz, prof. UWr (University of Wroclaw, Poland)

dr hab. Urszula Bonter, prof. UWr (University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Felder (Universität Heidelberg, Germany)

Editorial Secretary

dr Julianna Redlich (University of Wroclaw, Poland) germanica.wrat@uwr.edu.pl


Description of the functioning of the Editorial Board of Germanica Wratislaviensia

The Editorial Board is appointed for an indefinite period from the employees of the Institute of German Studies, University of Wrocław, by the Board of this Institute.

The Editorial Board of Germanica Wratislaviensia consists of:

  • the Editor in Chief
  • members of the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board meets at least twice a year in order to approve the current volume of Germanica Wratislaviensia and to open the next one. The sessions are called by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board is responsible for approving the volumes ready to be sent to the editors at the Publishing House, deciding on matters relating to publishing, and resolving doubts concerning e.g. differences in reviewers’ opinions or complex explanations of the authors in regard to reviewers’ opinions.

Each time the Editorial Board appoints a language editor responsible for editing following volumes of Germanica Wratislaviensia.

Advisory Board (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat)

The functioning of the journal is dependent on the Advisory Board, its consultative body. The members of the Advisory Board are specialists from different fields of linguistics and literature studies. Their task is to review the papers on Editorial Advisory Board’s recommendation, and to help the editors of the journal in regard to content-related issues. The Editor-in-Chief or any member of the Editorial Board may put forward a proposal to appoint a new member of the Advisory Board. A short description of reasons for the appointment should be included in the proposal. The member is accepted to the Board by the simple majority of votes. Should the necessity arise, the Editorial Board may consult issues connected with publishing papers and the choice of reviewers with the Advisory Board.

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 0435-5865


Instytut Filologii Germańskiej
pl. Biskupa Nankiera 15b
50-140 Wrocław


  • Erih Plus
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest)
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)