Entertaiment supersystem as cultural phenomenon

Vol. 25 (2019)

The pleasure of/from consuming… Cookbooks as an element of entertainment systems for children (contexts of consumption culture and media culture)

Pages: 127-147

PDF (Język Polski)


The contemporary market of books for children and teenagers, despite observable short-term periods of decline, is still one of the most stable and profitable segments of the Polish publishing and book market as publishing industry reports show. Publishing houses obtain guaranteed profits first of all from global bestsellers targeted both at the youngest readers and at teenagers. The present article discusses the phenomenon of branding, i.e. the creation of global brands in the sector of books for young readers. Branding has now become an important instrument of international book marketing, while the so-called brand policy occupies a significant position in the marketing tactics of publishers operating in the segment of books for young readers.
The observation of the media in the worldwide and domestic market allows us to see a ten-dency towards the professionalisation of children’s culinary culture. A manifestation of this phenom-enon is inter alia the development of the toy industry associated with the manufacture of culinary accessories, as well as the annexation of the media space reserved for children and the young. Within it, we can notice the multiplication of culinary TV programmes, while more and more Internet culin-ary projects, little chef online games, and applications for mobile devices are becoming available.
A culinary “thematic turn” is also taking place in the book market for children and young people. After 1989, impressive qualitative and quantitative changes took place in the cookbook segment for the youngest readers. This evolution covered their new thematic variants and editorial styles, as well as media formats (culinary audiobooks and e-books), which reflected the global fash-ions and ideas characteristic of consumer culture, as well as evidenced the culinary emancipation of the youngest. The report will show diverse variants of present-day cookbooks for young readers linked with children’s entertainment supersystems.