
Vol. 29 (2023)

The ‘Fallout’ Universe in the Context of Atomic Culture

Pages: 75-90

PDF (Język Polski)


The Fallout universe is an adaptive remix of themes that characterise the so-called (American) atomic culture. The creators of the universe have been developing it for years by entering into a dialogue with American pop-culture. Fallout’s storyworld is retro-futuristic and retrotopian in nature, a critique of the American Dream and a pessimistic diagnosis. Rebuilding civilization will not be possible because the negative aspects of human nature prevail over the nobler instincts. The apocalypse presented in this way is also a reflection — on a macroscale — of the universally understood ‘evil,’ which expresses itself — on a microscale — in ordinary human interactions. So the ultimate product of civilization — the actual ‘atomic legacy’ — will be mutations, aberrations, anarchy and barbarism.


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Atomic Culture, Atomic Heritage Foundation, 9.08.2017,

Coca-Cola: Delicious and Refreshing,

Fallout 4: 6 Hidden Details You Never Noticed..., The Gamer, 19.02.2021,

LordMatrim, Fallout 4 — Search the Atomatoys Factory for Toy Parts, YouTube, 24.11.2015,

Nuclear Vault, Duck and Cover (1951) Bert The Turtle, YouTube, 12.07.2009,

Programiści sprzedawali dane użytkowników Facebooka, Wirtualna Polska, 3.11.2010,,6034893497664641a.

purpdrank83, Vic Calls Blood “Dogmeat” — Fallout, YouTube, 31.10.2010,

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Sanctuary Hills Art,

Thom Bone, Target You (1950s Nuclear Propaganda US Govt. Film), YouTube, 4.11.2011,

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Bethesda Game Studio, Fallout 3, wyd. Bethesda Softworks, 2008.

Bethesda Game Studio, Fallout 4, wyd. Bethesda Softworks, 2015.

Bethesda Game Studio, Fallout 76, wyd. Bethesda Softworks, 2018.

Bethesda Game Studios, Behaviour Interactive, Fallout Shelter, wyd. Bethesda Softworks, 2015.

Black Isle Studios, Fallout 2, wyd. Interplay Entertainment, 1998.

CD Projekt RED, Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon, wyd. Bandai Namco Entertainment, wyd. polski CD Projekt, 2015.

Interplay Productions, Wasteland, wyd. Electronic Arts, 1988.

Interplay Productions, Fallout, wyd. Interplay Productions, 1997., World of Warships, wyd., 2015.

Chłopiec i jego pies (A Boy and His Dog), reż. L.Q. Jones, USA 1975.

Dziki (The Wild One), reż. L. Benedek, USA 1953.

Mad Max, reż. G. Miller, Australia 1979.

Nazajutrz (The Day After), reż. N. Meyer, USA 1983.

One! (Them!), reż. G. Douglas, USA 1954. Tarantula, reż. J. Arnold, USA 1955.


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