
Tom 34 (2023)

De variatie van de Nederlandse diminutieve allomorfie: een empirische benadering

Strony: 35-48

PDF (Nederlands)


This article deals with the variation of diminutive forms in contemporary standard Dutch. Various aspects of the Dutch diminutive are well-documented in the literature. However, there is a distinct lack of empirical research in connection with the variation of the diminutive forms. The article provides a brief overview of diminutive formation in Dutch as well as an account of a corpus-based study examining a group of words that exhibit variation in their diminutive forms in contemporary standard Dutch, namely monosyllabic words ending in either a non-coronal stop or a velar fricative preceded by a short vowel. The goal of the study is to provide insight on the behaviour of the diminutive forms of these stems.


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Zasady cytowania

Gőcze, B. (2023). De variatie van de Nederlandse diminutieve allomorfie: een empirische benadering. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 34, 35–48.