
Tom 19 (2010)

Die Bibelsprache und der Bibelstil im gegenwartigen Niederlandischen und Polnischen

Mariusz Krajcarz

Strony: 83 - 135




The article is an attempt at a contrastive analysis of typical characteristics of Biblical language and style, with a special focus on phraseology e.g. parallelism, repetition, imagery, metaphor. Based on the example of selected linguistic phenomena within the scope of semantics, syntax and phraseology, the most significant similarities and differences in Biblical language of modern Dutch and Polish have been evidenced. Moreover, the phenomenon of modification within the Dutch and Polish Biblical styles has been noted, which may be observed in the perception of traditional Dutch and Polish Biblical styles. For this purpose historical material, originating from Dutch and Polish translations of the Bible, has been compared with the language material occurring in representative contemporary translations of the Holy Bible. It is worth pointing out that the formation of Biblical style was considerably influenced by Staatenbijbel 1637 in the Netherlands, and by the Catholic Biblia Wujka 1599 and the Protestant Biblia Gdańska 1632 in Poland.

Zasady cytowania

Krajcarz, M. (2009). Die Bibelsprache und der Bibelstil im gegenwartigen Niederlandischen und Polnischen. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 19, 83–135. Pobrano z