
Tom 27 (2017)

Benamingen van dieren in de Nederlandse en in de Tsjechische vaste adjectivische vergelijkingen in de spiegel van de geschreven corpora

Strony: 37 - 46



Benamingen van dieren in de Nederlandse enin de Tsjechische vaste adjectivische vergelijkingen in de spiegel van de geschreven corpora
Animal names or zooappellatives constitute an important part of the idioms and proverbs in the ma­jority of natural languages. The Dutch idioms with an animal element were described from various perspectives by Kowalska-Szubert 1996. The Czech idioms with animal names were the subject of various studies carried out e.g. by Mrhačová Mrhačová et al. 2000, Mrhačová-Kouptsevitch 2004. In this article we compare by the means of corpus research the use of animal names in the adjective-based similes in the current written Dutch and in the current written Czech. This research is based on the excerpta of the largest written corpora available for the Dutch and the Czech, namely the Corpus Contemporary Dutch and the Corpus Contemporary Czech SYN version 5.

Zasady cytowania

Křížová, K. (2018). Benamingen van dieren in de Nederlandse en in de Tsjechische vaste adjectivische vergelijkingen in de spiegel van de geschreven corpora. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 27, 37–46.