
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The text is formatted according to the guidelines for the author specifying the formal requirements of the text (see AUTHOR GUIDELINES, paragraph 15).
  • The text is saved in Open Office or Microsoft Word format.
  • The text has not been published anywhere before nor has it been submitted for consideration in another journal.
  • Line spacing is 1.5; type height is 12 pt, Times New Roman font; all figures and tables are placed in the text in the appropriate places (not at the end).

Author Guidelines

  1. The editors accept previously unpublished scholarly texts in literary, linguistic, and/or interdisciplinary fields. The editors do not return unsolicited texts.
  2. By submitting a text to the editors of the journal, the author declares that he or she owns the copyright to the text, that the text is free of legal defects, and that it has not previously been published in whole or in part, nor has it been submitted to the editors of any other journal; that he or she grants free permission to publish the text in the journal Neerlandica Wratislaviensia and to distribute it indefinitely and for an undetermined area, including marketing copies of the journal and making copies available free of charge on the Internet.
  3. Submission length: 5,000 words (30,000 characters) for article/1,000 words (5,000 characters) for review.
  4. Texts must be submitted electronically for publication through the Open Journal Systems available on the journal's website after creating a user account. Texts that deviate from the listed standards (see below, point 14) cannot be considered for publication.
  5. The author will be notified within 2 months via Open Journal Systems of the acceptance of the text for publication in the journal Neerlandica Wratislaviensia.
  6. Articles are reviewed confidentially and anonymously (double-blind peer review). The list of reviewers is published in each issue of the journal and also on the website (see REVIEWERS).
  7. Journal editors counter incidents of ghostwriting, guest authorship, which are manifestations of scholarly dishonesty. Ghostwriting refers to a situation in which a person has made a significant contribution to a publication without disclosing his or her participation as one of the authors or without mentioning his or her role in the acknowledgements included in the publication. Honorary authorship occurs when a person has made little or no contribution to the publication, but he or she is listed as an author/co-author of the publication. A barrier to the above practices is the disclosure of information about individual authors' contributions to the publication (providing information about who authored the concepts, assumptions, methods, etc. used during the preparation of the publication).
  8. All articles with statistical results are forwarded to the editor in charge of statistics.
  9. The publisher reserves the right to make editorial corrections to the texts.
  10. The author is obliged to return corrected proofs within 7 days of receipt. Failure to return the proofs within this time period shall constitute the author's consent to the publication of the text as sent for correction.
  11. By submitting a text, the author gives permission for the article to be included in the online database Scientific Journals Online (CNS) and other databases with which the publisher collaborates. In addition to the text itself, this includes basic information about the article, including the abstract in English, along with the author's personal information (name, place of affiliation, e-mail address) and keywords.
  12. The author does not receive any payment for their article.
  13. The journal does not charge authors any fees for publication.
  14. Upon publication of the article, the author receives 1 printed copy of the journal Neerlandica Wratislaviensia free of charge. All articles provided by the publisher can be found at (PDF format).
  15. Formal requirements of the text: download instructions.


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