Taalkunde & didactiek

Vol. 28 (2018)

Sociaal tolken in Centraal-Europa en de mogelijkheden van de implementatie van modules sociaal tolken binnen de opleidingen Neerlandistiek extra muros

Pages: 79 - 89

PDF (Język Polski)



Social interpreting in Central Europe and the possible implementations of social interpreting modules in extra mural programmes of Dutch studies

Community/social or public service interpreting is a broad concept that deals with multiple interpretation techniques, communicative situations and social sectors in the field of health, law or administration. The position of interpreters within these contexts differs from country to country. What is also highly diverse is the interpreter’s background, his or her interpreting skills, training, language knowledge and quality of the interpreter’s performance.
First of all, the concept of community interpreting is defined in the context of the Low Countries and Central Europe. The change of the social context and the need for qualified interpreters is outlined in connection with the present migration movements. The article summarises some possibilities of implementing specific modules and exercises in the curriculum of a small language programme such as Dutch studies. These provide the students with the first insights into community interpreting. They can take it as a basis and develop their basic interpreting competence in this area.


Citation rules

Štefková, M. (2019). Sociaal tolken in Centraal-Europa en de mogelijkheden van de implementatie van modules sociaal tolken binnen de opleidingen Neerlandistiek extra muros. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 28, 79–89. https://doi.org/10.19195/0860-0716.28.7