
Vol 31 (2021)

Een kleine taalgemeenschap – een groot onderzoeksveld

Pages: 9-14



There is a growing trend in the scientific world to publish papers in English. Describing research in the field of technology or medicine in English is justified, because it allows for faster verification of results and their application by scientists in any part of the world, and thus their faster use by ordinary people. It is questionable, however, whether it makes sense to write about a language – especially one as small as Dutch – in the language of Shakespeare. Dutch still lends itself very well to scientific argument, as the publications in this volume prove.

Citation rules

Kowalska-Szubert, A., & Czarnecka, B. (2021). Een kleine taalgemeenschap – een groot onderzoeksveld. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 31, 9–14.