Strony redakcyjne

Tom 15 (2013)

Przyszłość przeszłości i przeszłość przyszłości. Metrologiczne wzorce wartości pieniądza

Strony: 121 - 134



The future of the past and the past of the future. Two ways of analysing the links between metrological models of the value of money

The article is to examine metrological models of the value of money and relations between them. It is especially about the links between money from various historical periods, with later ones being modifi cations of the earlier ones. The aim of the article is to compare two ways of analysing these links. The first, retrospective analysis refers to a specific model of value and its links to earlier models of which it became a modification and a future. The second, futuristic analysis refers to a specific model and its links to those that will be its modifications in the future. The main objective of the article is to compare the results of these two analyses.