Strony redakcyjne

Tom 17 (2015)

Jakie to posiadać ma cnoty i nauki Przewodnik lub współtowarzysz młodego wojażera według Ignacego Lubicz Czerwińskiego

Strony: 53 - 61



What virtues and teachings should the young traveler’s guide or companion have according to Ignacy Lubicz Czerwiński

A lawyer, ethnographer and historian Ignacy Lubicz Czerwiński 1769–1834 published in 1821 one of his minor works: Panicz Wojażer [Travelling young noble]. In his work, he repeatedly refers to Apodemik oder die Kunst zu reisen of 1795, which is a famous work of Franz Posselt, and at the end of it, he summarizes Joseph Szymanowski’s [Józef Szymanowski] advice addressed to young travelers. Moreover, Czerwiński dedicates a separate chapter of the book to the guide who ought to accompany the young traveler. The guide is also supposed to perform the role of a supervisor and educator. The knowledge of exotic customs and traditions allows him to prepare the young traveler to confront otherness without hasty conclusions and judgment. He also helps the traveler organize his observations and teaches him a systematic preparation of short accounts and notes. He is a vibrant, well-educated and vigilant guide to home and foreign culture.