Strony redakcyjne

Vol. 17 (2015)

Literacki węzeł kolejowy: pociąg do Lwowa

Ołena Hałeta

Pages: 143 - 158

PDF (Język Polski)


The railway track of literature: destination Lviv

In this paper the connection between railway development and literary changes since the second half of the 19th century is analyzed. The research focuses on an anthological edition titled The Train of Hopes which was published in Lviv in 2011 and was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of railway in contemporary Ukraine. Railway development is recognized as a very important manifestation of modern consciousness that radically changed the concepts of space and time. It was also closely connected with the transition from the agrarian to the urban perception of the world. Literature refl ects and interprets the changes that occur during this period. New poetics and rhetoric produce new cultural metaphors and narrative strategies associated with the movement, speed and mobility of modern humans. Literature creates a new character, a traveler for whom a journey becomes a way of life. It also creates a new type of cultural identity when communities arise and fall depending on the circumstances.