Audiosfera w perspektywie antropologicznej

Vol. 13 (2012)

Spacery miejskie — od badań nad fonosferą do refleksji nad wielozmysłową konstrukcją ludzkiego doświadczenia bycia-w-świecie

Katarzyna Wala

Pages: 113 - 132

PDF (Język Polski)


Walking in the city — from audiosphere research to a reflection on the multisensory structure of human experience of being-in-the-world

The aim of the article is to present the opportunities and limitations associated with analyses of the audiosphere in social studies. The author proposes a multi-sensory perspective in her research that enables her to capture the multi-sensory structure of places. In her paper, she describes the development of the anthropology of the senses, methodology of sensory research and forms of representing the data collected in such research. She presents her own experience related to the project “Audiosphere — anthropology of the senses,” pointing at the same time to problems associated with the implementation of such proposals.