
Tom 56 (2016)

Cyganerii Warszawskiej próby wydawnicze, czyli przegląd „swojskich” czasopism z perspektywy warszawskiej prowincji

Dominika Skiba

Strony: 21 - 32



Warsaw’s Bohemie publishing attempts or “homely” magazines review. From the perspective of the Warsaw’s province

The years 1831–1863 in the Polish Kingdom were marked by the atmosphere of anxiety, fear, fear of tomorrow and regret for what has passed. Warsaw’s Romantics, existing in their own literary world of far provinces, were facing the challenges of their profession — to overcome the stagnation, get out of lifelessness— withdifficulty. Enthusiasts, young gypsies who have grown under the wings of Hippolytus Skimborowicz were engaged in publishing, mobilized all their forces to — in spite of the words of Zygmunt Krasinski, who believed that “now in Poland of flowers and patties one can only write” — create anew style of periodicals. Little articles written by “young enthusiasts”, poetic creations written in esopic language, not always the best reviews of filled the columns of the magazines — critically evaluated by Edward Dembowski. Existence of publishing work was not easy — it had to stand against censorship, copyrights, and above all, capricious tastes of readers. Magazine’s lifespan was not long, it was however the testimony of struggle against the things that terrified and aroused horror.