
Vol. 134 (2023)

Justinian’s Novel 13 “On the praetor of the people”

Pages: 11-31

PDF (Język Polski)


The article is devoted to Novel 13 of Justinian I “On the praetor of the people,” issued in 535 A.D. It includes the first Polish translation of the novel with a brief commentary. In the constitution in question the emperor created a new magistracy — the praetor of the people (praetor plebis), who replaced the existing praetor of the vigiles (praefectus vigilum). A new magistracy was to be directly responsible to the emperor, and not — as was his predecessor — to the urban praefect of Constantinople. The praetor of the people was to serve as a policing and judicial magistracy in cases concerning thefts, homicides, adulteries, kidnappings and other crimes of similar character. He was also responsible for protection of citizens and their property against fires.